One Step at a Time Part 1

I have been trying to write this post for a week now. Each time I open my blog to write I look at the keyboard and the words seem far from my mind. I know what I want to say and what title to give but starting seemed like mountains to move. Here I am today enjoying the blessing of words written. "One step at the time" (I took a picture of me and my husband's foot prints on the beach, cute isn't it? :)) this phrase means so many things to me, carrying so many stories of my life, my dreams, struggles and goals. But the story I want to share today is my weight loss program I started two weeks ago. Before I go into that let me share a scripture with you. "The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, And He delights in his way." Psalms 37:23 As hard as it may be to lift up your foot to take that first step this scripture can take the weight off your feet to make that first step and to continue taking more steps each day. H...