Halo girl's
My girls and me (left Grace and right Mutago) |
Today my heart is filled with godly pride. Just like the bible says that she who boast must boast in the Lord, that she knows Him and that she understands His love and righteousness (
Jeremiah 9:24). My husband and I started evening devotions with our two girls (Grace 9, and Mutago 7) beginning of this year. It's so amazing how the truths of God's word get manifested in our lives. God's word is like a little seed we plant, we water it everyday having faith that one day we will see a plant shooting out from the soil. And everyday you look and wish to see something, and eventually you see that the soil has cracked then you know in your heart that the plant is ready to come out. Telling my girls about God and the ways of God is like planting seeds. Everyday I pray and believe that the words of God will have an effect on their way of living. On their behaviour and even their way of thinking. This morning as I was preparing my girls for school the youngest said "Mama sometimes I get jealous of people". Well I was not shock or anything, I just thought 'ok this a good opportunity to water this little seed, because the soil is now cracking'. "Why do you say that?" I asked her. Then she started telling me about how she got jealous when our next door neighbours got a DSTV (now she is friends of the girls staying there), and how she also got jealous when the same girl got a baby sister. All this time I was only listening when she was telling me this. Then she said the sweetest thing, she said "BUT (
Huuu I like the buts :)) I said to myself, "No I am not suppose to feel this way, I am not suppose to be jealous." Now tell me that isn't sweet!! I was filled with godly pride, I felt like Wow the tree is growing, I can see it shooting out. Just the fact that my daughter realises that jealousy is wrong and that she is not suppose to feel that way was overwhelming.. Boy was I not ready to water this little plant coming out. I told her, next time you feel that way you should say thank you Lord that my friend got a new baby sister, thank you that they got a DSTV also. Now when she prayed she said "Lord thank you that my friend got a new baby sister" I was smiling and I thank God that He is the one doing the growing process, like Paul said we can only plant and water but the growing comes from the Lord (
1 Corinthians 3:6). So girls let us keep on planting the seeds of God's word in our children's hearts, and let us not forget to water them as well, God is faithful, He will make it to grow. Till next time girls.....have a heart for Christ..
Hi Casey...what a great job. I am very proud to see how you are breaking through for Christ. There´s nothing to improve just keep going and stay blessed.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your blog it inspires me