String-attached mistakes

"I know what I am doing Baby, I was taught this way at the driving school!", were my words to my husband when he advised me on how to park our new car. Well maybe I did know, but just like a baby thinks she knows how to unwrap a sweet and insist to do it by herself. My first born never wanted anyone to unwrap a sweet for her, she always thought she can do it by herself, and if it was impossible she would give give it to you to help her, BUT, if you unwrap it completely it will mean war! You were only to unwrap it half way and give it back for her to finish the process. Just like my baby I thought I could do the driving my way, the way I was taught at the driving school. For me my husband wanted to take over my driving skills and wanted to give me his which I was too proud to take.

Then it happened! One morning I was in a hurry (don't really know for what reason). I wanted to start the car while standing outside of the car.... Can you believe.... I thought I knew what I was doing, I was confident. Come on starting a car is not really that difficult, I do it everyday, I believe those were my hidden thoughts. My goodness I did start it, put in the clutch from standing outside and turned the key. FRUMMMM, the car started, confidently I released the clutch, within split seconds that felt like an hour the car jumped into the wall. I forgot to take it out of the gear!

After all what happened I thought what is God trying to teach me out of this. Sometimes we are so confident that we think we know all, but we forget to humble ourselves to be taught. We put trust in our flesh, and as surely as the sun shines, we are going for a failure. Just like Peter who was so confident that he is not going to betray Jesus, and later betray Him we tent to behave. Girls let us not put confidence in ourselves and rather trust God with all our lives, whether it be even the simplest thing like starting a car.

Till next time, lets have a heart for Christ.


  1. We never get to old to be taught.
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